Page 6 - Fall2020
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allowed, and still allows, for virtually trauma to the head, seizures, ingestion privileges away indefinitely. Given the
unlimited production of manufactured of MfG, and the normal process of ag- facts that the pilots have our safety in
free glutamate and MfG. ing. Similar to drugs and alcohol, free their hands, are socially distant from
It wasn’t long before food manu- glutamate can also be passed to infants all passengers, and can be tested and
facturers found that profits could be through mother’s milk. have their temperature checked, why
increased by using manufactured free The obesity epidemic was set is airline management compromising
glutamate to produce their own flavor- in motion as the amount of MfG in their oxygen levels?
enhancing additives, and dozens of processed food, “fake” food, protein There are several OSHA con-
excitotoxic ingredients were added to substitutes and dietary supplements sultants (Tammy Clark and Kristen
the food supply. became sufficient to wipe out brain Meghan) on the YouTube channel (see
Over the next two decades foods cells in the area of the arcuate nucleus who are
containing manufactured/processed of the hypothalamus that would have saying these broad mask mandates
free glutamate (MfG) in ingredients controlled satiety, appetite, and food are against OSHA guidelines. They
such as hydrolyzed proteins, yeast ex- intake had they not been obliterated by claim that when employees must wear
tracts, maltodextrin, soy protein isolate flavor-enhancers like MfG. personal protective masks, OSHA re-
and MfG flooded the marketplace. And If you have questions or comments, quires that they be individually fitted
the large amount of manufactured free we’d love to hear from you. If you have for masks and then each person is tested
glutamate needed to cause excitotoxic- hints for others on how to avoid expo- to ensure they can safely wear a mask.
ity became readily available to anyone sure to MfG, send them and we’ll put Have the airlines taken these steps to
consuming multiple processed food them on Facebook. Or you can reach us ensure that pilots can function at a high
products during the course of a day. at and level while wearing a mask?
Delivery of excitotoxins to the fe- follow us on Twitter @truthlabeling. As airline passengers, we need to
tus and newborn is easy to understand. Adrienne Samuels defend our right to choose how to pro-
Nourishment (and not so nourishing Chicago, Illinois tect ourselves from illness (personally
material) is delivered to the fetus in the I follow the WAPF dietary guidelines,
form of material ingested by a pregnant MASKS FOR PILOTS plus take supplements and homeo-
woman and passed to the fetus through I am a frequent air traveler and pathic prophylaxis). Additionally, we
the placenta. A newborn is nourished have a health condition that makes deserve to have pilots who are not
through its mother’s milk. wearing a mask difficult. My concern forced to breathe in high levels of CO2
Data from Frieder and Grimm is twofold: and dangerously low levels of oxygen
and others confirm that free glutamate All of the U.S. airlines are enforc- while flying a plane with hundreds of
can be passed in excessive quantities ing a strict mask policy for staff and passengers. This is an important public
to neonates and fetuses by expectant passengers. These airline mask man- safety issue.
mothers who ingest excessive amounts. dates allow no room for exemptions for Kimberly Hartke
Glutamate can cross the placenta during those who choose not to wear a mask for Reston, Virginia
pregnancy, can cross the blood-brain health reasons (some also believe that a
barrier (BBB) in an unregulated man- mask poses significant health risks). NOT CONVINCED
ner during development and can pass When checking the airline policy First of all, I would like to thank
through the five circumventricular before a recent flight, I learned that the Weston A. Price Foundation for its
organs (unique areas of the brain that even pilots are being required to wear a untiring work to teach the principles of
lie outside the BBB) which are leaky at mask. And passengers who resist wear- a healthy diet and lifestyle. I personally
best at any stage of life. Moreover, the ing a mask can be punished by being put have benefited from twenty years of the
BBB is easily damaged by fever, stroke, on a no-fly list, thus taking our flying diet and enjoy reading your intriguing
4 Wise Traditions FALL 2020