Page 9 - Fall2020
P. 9
of our traditional diet, not in spite of it. a couple of people had profound life- must be re-isolated from the inoculated
But it was as though our bodies needed changing results. (now diseased) experimental host and
some extra boost to get our organs I desperately wanted to heal just identified as identical to the original
working properly, and now we can from food and food supplements alone, specific causative agent.
absorb minerals and vitamins from our but that didn’t work for me. I’m glad that If all four conditions are met, one
food, and detox the toxic minerals (we I kept searching and found the answer has proven the infectious cause for a
all had some aluminium and mercury) that worked for ME (and my family). specific set of symptoms.
as we should have been doing all along. HTMA is just another avenue to explore This is pure baloney! I did an ex-
I was curious whether these health for healing, alongside a traditional diet! periment two years ago with another
improvements could work for others I’m also forever grateful for the work of coronavirus that affects pigs. We first
using mineral rebalancing—taking WAPF; I believe that is where our life- infected immortalized chicken cells
supplements specific to one’s body changing health journey started. and proved that the virus kills them,
chemistry as determined by the hair Emily Stokes, Chapter Leader then subsequently infected chickens
test, rather than random supplements. Bega Valley, NSW, Australia and turkeys with the virus. They had
So I got my mum onto it. She had great clinical signs and we proved that they
results. Slept well for the first time in PURE BALONEY? were also shedding the virus in several
thirty years and is still energetic and To prove the germ theory, you say ways. One was through immunofluo-
teaching at seventy-five years old. I that a microorganism must be found in rescent staining of the intestinal tissues,
told others about my results, and ended abundance in all organisms suffering using real-time PCR that detects the
up supporting about twenty friends from the disease, but should not be virus in cloacal and tracheal swabs. We
through hair tests and mineral supple- found in healthy organisms; that the also used an antibody test that detected
ments. Very few got the great results I microorganism must be isolated from antibodies for the virus in their serum
did. Most couldn’t stay on the supple- a diseased organism and grown in a and we sequenced isolated RNA in the
ments (they can sometimes make you pure culture; that the microorganism swabs and compared it to the virus we
feel worse till you feel better as your grown in pure culture should cause infected them with. We published our
body detoxes) and some weren’t will- disease when introduced into a healthy data in Emerging Infectious Diseases
ing to change their diet from SAD. But organism; and that the microorganism after eight months of peer review. This
and social
Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Del Bigtree
and many other fine speakers on food and health!
Details and registration at
FALL 2020 Wise Traditions 7