Page 8 - Fall2020
P. 8


         yesterday morning because such expo-  least move your bed far away from the  joyless existence. I couldn’t understand
         sure “rips her out of her socks.”   electric meter.                  why. Plus my kids had cavities, narrow
             She goes barefoot whenever pos-                      Patti Rogers  palates, behavioral stuff, asthma and
         sible and on Sundays enjoys going to a             Miami, Oklahoma   caught every bug and illness that was
         lake on the other side of Bern.                                      going around.
             She  explained  when  growing  DON’T FORGET THE MINERALS!            About five years ago I met a soil
         up she had a lot of health issues. I’m     I’ve been on a WAPF diet journey  scientist at a farming field day, and
         guessing her immune system was not  for fifteen years, constantly upgrading  he spoke about soil health and human
         the best, and perhaps this is why she is  my family’s diet to where I’m very   health being connected (which I already
         so sensitive today. She tells me that 5G  happy with how we eat. I have three   understood). I asked him afterwards
         is not nearly as bad as all the gadgets  children, ages eight, eleven and four-  why my kids still had cavities when we
         we have. (Of course she agrees that  teen. My health started to go downhill   had such a great diet. He suggested I try
         5G is bad, but 4G is just as bad, only  after the first child was born (all great   Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA).
         different) and explains that the worst  home-births, all breastfed till two). It   So we started on that journey. We sent
         exposure is our own doing.         went into steady decline over ten years,   our hair to Analytical Research Lab
             She sleeps on a mattress on the  despite my WAPF diet. I was eating   in the States (started by Dr. Eck, it’s
         floor (no box spring with metal coils),  pasture-raised animal meat and fat,   one of very few labs that put out good
         and uses the Swiss Shield cloth on one  organ meats, bone broths, local sea-  data) and got back some information
         window and on her feather blanket to  food including shellfish and fish eggs,   that showed us which minerals we were
         help shield her while she sleeps.   pastured eggs, raw dairy, home-made   deficient in, had excess of, and which
             I recently bought an EMF tester  cheese, raw aged cheese, home-grown   toxic minerals we had on board. We
         from Germany and will do my best to  or local, organic vegetables and some   started the whole family on a mineral
         make others aware of the dangers.  fruit, home-made stone-ground spelt   supplement program—specific to each
                             Judith Mudrak  sourdough bread, lacto-fermented sau-
                          Bern, Switzerland  erkraut and kimchi. I made milk and   individual (taking magnesium, calcium,
                                            water kefir, and kombucha. We take   zinc, selenium, etc, depending on what
         ELECTRICITY AND THE HEART          fermented cod liver oil and butter oil.   we needed).
             About fifteen years ago I had to     However, my health was in decline.      The change in the first two years
         wear a heart monitor, which showed  I saw doctors, specialists, naturopaths,   was  profound. I feel like my life
         that my heart was missing beats and  homeopaths (one homeopath I saw ev-  changed completely as my health im-
         had a horrible rhythm. I was in my  ery month for four years), osteopaths,   proved. Not rapidly, but steadily, until
         late thirties and had no real ailments.  kinesiologists. I saw an Ayurvedic   I felt like a completely different person:
         We had recently had a house built and  doctor and did panchakarma. I took   lots of energy, slept eight hours straight
         had moved in and lived there for a few  Standard Process supplements for about   a night, clear-headed, mentally robust,
         months.                            six months and did the GAPS diet. I   and happy. Content. That was the best
             My doctor asked me where the  tried everything. My symptoms were  part. My kids’ teeth seemed to harden
         electricity came into the house and  fatigue, lethargy, no energy, an inabil-  up, their behavior changed (happy too),
         I realized it was about two feet from  ity to sleep properly, waking at three  bed-wetting stopped and they slept
         where I slept. He laughed and told me  in the morning, brain fog, moodiness,  better. The changes continued and we
         to move my bed as far away from the  anxiety, muscle spasms and back ache.  phased out the supplements after four
         meter outside my walls as possible.  On paper I had a great life (lovely fam-  years. We did not change what we ate
         After that, I never had another issue.  ily, beautiful kids, supportive partner,  at all while taking the supplements. I
         So if you can’t change your room, at  fulfilling work) but my reality was a  believe the health changes were because
         6                                        Wise Traditions                                    FALL 2020
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