Page 5 - Fall2020
P. 5


            MfG AND OBESITY                    that the brains of newborn animals are   damaging the cells that host targeted
                Without MfG (manufactured free  vulnerable to glutamate insult. Brain   glutamate-receptors and/or causing
            glutamate, also called MSG), processed  damage followed by obesity was pro-  death by over-exciting those glutamate
            food wouldn’t sell—and there would be  duced in newborn mice (whose brains,   receptors until their host cells die.
            no obesity epidemic.               like those of humans, are not fully de-     Additional confirmation of the
                Have you ever stopped to consider  veloped). A student in Dr. John Olney’s   brain-damaging effects of excito-
            that before there was ultra-processed  lab had observed that mice being used   toxic free glutamic acid comes from
            food, there was no obesity epidemic?  in studies of glutamate-induced retinal   research focused on identifying and
            And without MfG there wouldn’t be  dysfunction had become grotesquely   understanding human diseases and ab-
            many, if any, ultra-processed foods on  obese. A series of studies by Olney and   normalities associated with glutamate,
            the market.                                                                often for the purpose of finding
                Flavor-enhancing ingredients                                           drugs that would mitigate gluta-
            aren’t highly visible in processed                                         mate’s adverse effects. By 1980,
            food, but they’re absolutely essen-                                        glutamate-associated disorders
            tial. Flavor enhancers mask off-                                           such as headaches, asthma, dia-
            flavors, make chemicals taste like                                         betes, muscle pain, atrial fibrilla-
            food and bring what industry calls                                         tion, ischemia, trauma, seizures,
            an “umami taste” to otherwise                                              stroke, Alzheimer’s disease,
            bland and unappetizing products.                                           amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
                Those who reap huge profits                                            (ALS), Huntington’s disease,
            from the sale of processed foods                                           Parkinson’s disease, depression,
            wouldn’t have a foot in the door                                           multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia,
            without flavor enhancers and                                               obsessive-compulsive disor-
            won’t be giving them up any time                                           der (OCD), epilepsy, addiction,
            soon. That’s despite the fact that                                         attention-deficit/hyperactivity
            every one of them contains excito-                                         disorder (ADHD), frontotem-
            toxic (brain-damaging) glutamic                                            poral dementia and autism were
            acid—also known as glutamate.                                              on the rise, and evidence of the
                There are three prerequisites for  others followed. Many were studies of   brain-damaging effects of glutamate
            producing brain damage that will  MSG fed to animals.                were generally accepted by the scien-
            lead to obesity. First is a brain that is     Today, there is more than sufficient   tific community.
            vulnerable to damage due to injury or  excitotoxic  glutamic  acid  in ultra-     To become excitotoxic, glutamic
            the immaturity of a fetus or newborn.  processed food, “fake” food, protein   acid must be accumulated in consider-
            Second is sufficient free glutamate—or  substitutes and dietary supplements to   able quantity. There have always been
            other potentially excitotoxic material to  cause excitotoxicity. When present in   excitotoxins, although not in food in
            produce the excesses needed to become  amounts needed for normal body func-  excessive amounts. But that changed in
            excitotoxic. More than enough free glu-  tion as a natural component of food,   1957 when extraction of glutamate from
            tamate is present in processed foods to  the neurotransmitter glutamic acid is   a protein source (which had been a slow
            accomplish that. Third, there must be a  essential. But when accumulated in   and costly method) was replaced by
            way to deliver this excitotoxic material  amounts greater than the body requires,   carefully selected genetically modified
            to a vulnerable brain.             glutamic acid becomes an excitotoxic   bacteria that excrete glutamate through
                In the 1970s it was demonstrated  neurotransmitter, firing repeatedly and   their cell walls. That transformation

            FALL 2020                                Wise Traditions                                                   3
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