Page 7 - Fall2020
P. 7
scientific articles in Wise Traditions. ninth wealthiest people in the world. liability for vaccine-related injuries
I have shared your information with In recent weeks, the city of Berlin has and deaths. No one familiar with the
many friends, family and strangers over hosted two mass protests attended by century-long vaccine fraud—and
the twenty years. hundreds of thousands of Europeans the corrupt scientific and regulatory
Still, I am not totally convinced who are offended by these widening apparatus that upholds the vaccine
that vaccines are detrimental in all disparities and are opposed to the de- orthodoxy—can continue to view these
cases. Considering the poor nutritional struction of individual sovereignty and concoctions as beneficial or justifi-
state of the majority of the population the rise of high-tech tyranny. Robert able. As for WHO director Tedros, his
and the environmental onslaught we F. Kennedy, Jr. attended the second unsavory actions while serving under
are enduring, vaccines could be justi- of the two events, clearly identifying a government notorious for human
fied. This brings me to the article by Covid-19 as a “crisis of convenience” rights violations are a matter of public
Merinda Teller in your Summer 2020 that is helping make the powerful even record, including in reports by Amnesty
Wise Traditions. I was aghast at her more powerful, while impoverishing International. Finally, on the topic of
aggressive tone insinuating evil mo- and oppressing everyone else. He and “hyperinflating infectious threats,” the
tives like power-addiction to her chosen many others are asking valid questions weekly Covid-19 update published on
“Gang of Four” villains. There were a about the motives of Gates and other August 26 by the CDC (sister agency to
lot of personal attacks, accusations of technocrats that are a far cry from Dr. Fauci’s NIAID) reports that only 6
hyperinflating infectious threats, even “mob judgment.” As for the Covid-19 percent of Covid-19 deaths (fewer than
affiliation with terrorists (guilt by as- vaccines currently in the pipeline, ten thousand) actually are due solely to
sociation?) and approval of mob judg-
ment calling for Bill Gate’s “arrest and Moderna’s and Oxford’s frontrunner Covid-19; all other Covid-19-related
vaccines—which rely on experimental deaths list an average of 2.6 additional
imprisonment.” This kind of writing
turns reasonable people off and does technologies never approved in any conditions or causes—the very same
not promote the goals of Weston Price, prior vaccine—have caused serious conditions and causes that have con-
who admonished us to teach, teach adverse reactions in superbly healthy sistently been responsible for mortality
and teach. volunteers; it is highly doubtful that in non-pandemic years.
Be patient, this will take time. But individuals who are malnourished or
I see your beneficial impact in a lot of weighed down by environmental toxins EMF SENSITIVITY
young people I come in contact with. I would fare any better. There are many My room at the Swiss farming
have been in the “movement” for almost other reasons to question the Covid-19 school where I have been staying is
fifty years. vaccine agenda, including a partner- right across the hall from a woman in
Heike-Marie Eubanks ship between Gates, the Department her forties or fifties, who is extremely
Western Oregon of Defense and a Silicon Valley firm to sensitive to EMFs.
develop a syringe-injectable hydrogel Of course I had no clue… and did
Editors’ reply: Since March 2020, chip—an implant now poised for FDA WhatsApp yesterday morning with my
U.S. billionaires’ total net worth has approval—that will function as a per- husband in the U.S. at 5 AM and 8 AM.
increased by well over half a trillion manent “biosensor” linking recipients I heard the girl leave…thinking she
dollars ($700 billion)—an average of to an artificial intelligence platform. It was going to work.
$42 billion a week. Meanwhile, forty is not unreasonable to wonder whether I wanted to meet her, because I
million Americans have been forced the U.S. military, with Gates’ bless- heard she tests apartments and houses
to file for unemployment, and many ing, may inject this tracking device for EMF emissions. This morning we
families are going hungry. Bill Gates along with Covid-19 vaccines, which, met and had a very long talk about
and Elon Musk are the second and as a reminder, will be free of all legal exposure. She explained that she left
FALL 2020 Wise Traditions 5