Page 10 - Fall2020
P. 10

is a normal method of studying a virus  material and antibodies. As you say,  have a narrow face, needed extensive
         so we weren’t the first to do this type  “This is the normal method of studying  orthodontics, had hormone problems,
         of experiment. To deny it or ignore it is  a virus.” Indeed, this is the way virolo-  poor vision, and so on. When I read Dr.
         simply false and an insult to scientists  gists “study” viruses today, but it is a  Price’s book, I finally understood why I
         who study infectious diseases.     fraudulent method and never properly  had those problems. My sister, who was
                          Internet Comment  detects virus or shows that they cause  born two years after the war ended, had
                                            disease. They do this because they can-  a broader face, did not need orthodon-
         Answer from Tom Cowan: Unfortu-    not prove that viruses are infectious by  tics, and didn’t need vision correction
         nately, virologists do not follow the  properly isolating then and them using  until the last few years. Similar genet-
         common-sense Koch’s postulates (or in  the common-sense Rivers’ postulates.   ics, totally different nutrition. I was
         the case of viruses, Rivers’ postulates)     As for today’s coronavirus (2019-  told that I inherited my father’s teeth
         today because even if they do properly  nCoV), the most important papers on  (too large for my jaw) but that reason-
         isolate the virus (which they rarely do),  the subject all say they didn’t isolate  ing never made sense to me and didn’t
         they cannot get these properly isolated  or purify the novel coronavirus. In  explain why my teeth were so crooked.
         viruses grown in a pure culture to cause  their July 2020 guidelines on PCR, the      I had my three children in the
         disease when introduced into a host.  CDC states on page 39 that “no virus  1980s before I had heard of Dr. Price
         So what they do is create “virulent”  isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently  and the WAPF so I didn’t give them the
         viruses by culturing them on starving  available.” It is hard to imagine doing  Wise Traditions diet. However, even
         cells and adding very toxic antibiot-  a PCR test or knowing what the killing  then, I knew that what I did and what
         ics (which kills the cells but not the  effect could be from a virus that has  I ate were important for my babies’
         “virus”). These are not pure cultures.  never been isolated.         health. I did the best I knew at the
         When  this  antibiotic-laden  culture                                time. I followed the Bradley method
         is introduced into new cells—in the  DIET AND HEALTH                 of childbirth which had some good,
         case of your experiment, immortalized      I want to add my story to the dis-  though incomplete, dietary recom-
         chicken cells (probably taken from a  cussion about the interaction between  mendations. They emphasized protein
         tumor)—the cells die; they die because  diet and health. It explains why I am a  intake, which probably meant I got a
         they are starved and poisoned.     chapter leader and why I support the  reasonable amount of good-quality fat
             In your experiment, did you isolate  WAPF.                       from meat and cheese, which I ate a lot
         and purify the virus according to the     I was born in September 1945 just  of. Although all of my children have
         1973 Pasteur Institute isolation and pu-  after World War II ended. There was  some tooth and health problems, none
         rification consensus guidelines (see vi-  extensive food rationing during the war  of them had the extensive crooked teeth  when my mother was pregnant with me.  and narrow jaw that I had. Apparently,
         Were they cultured without antibiotics?  She had little access to meat, butter or  my diet reversed at least some of my
         When you infected chickens and turkeys  eggs. Also, at that time my father was  bad nutrition effects. I had all three
         with the cultured virus, what were the  a graduate student so their finances  naturally, without any drugs, which I
         “clinical signs”? Were they mild or  were limited, and they weren’t living  knew would be best for my children.
         fatal? Did you determine whether these  on a farm. In addition, my mother’s first  I nursed all three babies and followed
         clinical signs were caused by the virus  baby, a girl, died three days after she  La Leche League recommendations.
         or by the antibiotics (or the injection  was born, and I was born less than two  Fortunately, back then (before 1986)
         method)?                           years later. With limited nutritious food  there was no mention of vaccines dur-
             The next step should have been  available and the depletion of stored  ing my pregnancies or at birth, because
         to isolate the virus properly, using the  resources from her first pregnancy, my  I hadn’t yet learned that the doctor does
         1973 Pasteur Institute guidelines, from  mother probably couldn’t provide me  not know best. They were vaccinated
         the chickens and turkeys and see wheth-  with all of the nutrition I needed. I don’t  later, although at much less than current
         er they caused disease when introduced  blame her at all. I’m sure she did the  recommendations, but those results are
         into  healthy  chickens  and  turkeys.  best she could under the circumstances.  another story.
         Instead you “proved” that the animals      I had all the problems that Dr.      Good diet is essential to good
         were  “shedding  the  virus”  through  Weston A. Price shows so clearly in his  health, good bone and teeth formation,
         PCR and antibody tests—neither of  book Nutrition and Physical Degenera-  and the earlier it begins, the healthier
         which detects any virus, only genetic  tion. I was the totally typical “after.” I  we will be. Actually, since I have been
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