Page 58 - Summer2009
P. 58

Know Your Fats

                                           MORE SATURATED FAT ATTACKS
                                                  By Mary G. Enig, PhD

                                  Butter consumption has been rising over  foods made with commercially processed fats.
                              the last few years—not by leaps and bounds, but  The suggestion is a judicious amount (about
                              steadily upward—both in the U.S. and in Europe.  1 tablespoon per meal) of naturally occurring
                              This shift in consumption patterns may explain a  fats. Think of butter, cheese, chicken or duck fat,
                              resurgence of anti-saturated fat messages in the  even well-marbled steaks, as a taste-enhancing
                              U.S. and overseas.                         complement to a meal.” Five years ago, no major
                                  Britain launched a “health” campaign in  newspaper would have published anything along
                              February of 2009 to “raise awareness of the  the lines of this common-sense advice. Boomer’s
                              health risks of eating too much saturated fat,”  article is a sign that the walls of the lowfat dun-
                              and lamenting the fact that “the UK is currently  geon are crumbling.
                              eating 20% more saturated fat than UK Govern-     Thus, in the U.S., the anti-saturated fat cam-
                              ment recommendations.”                     paign has become more subtle, consisting not of
                    In the        The highly coordinated campaign includes a  EODWDQW SURSDJDQGD²WKH NLQG RI ¿QJHU ZDJJLQJ
                U.S., the        VHFRQG 79 DGYHUWLVHPHQW LQ ZKLFK D ³MXJ RI  food Puritanism that is increasingly turning us

          anti-saturated      saturated fat is poured down the sink, overload-  RII²EXW RI VSLQ GRFWRUHG UHSRUWV RQ VFLHQWL¿F
                              ing and blocking a kitchen pipe to vividly bring  studies.
           fat campaign       to life the message that too much saturated fat is
            has become        bad for your heart.” Print ads encourage Britons  SATURATED FAT AND THE LIVER
           more subtle,       to cut the fat off their meat, switch to lower-fat     One example is a study entitled “Saturated
                              dairy products and use vegetable oils instead of  Fatty Acids Promote Endoplasmic Reticulum
          consisting not      butter when cooking.                       Stress and Liver Injury in Rats with Hepatic
               of blatant         In New Zealand, newspaper articles have  Steatosis,” published in Endocrinology (2006
            propaganda        urged the population to eat less bacon and sau-
                                                                            In this study, markers for liver function
                              sage, avoid butter and pastries containing butter,
             —the kind        and take children off of full-fat milk after the age  worsened in rats on a diet high in sucrose (68
                 of finger    of two “to avoid clogging their arteries.”   percent sucrose, 12 percent corn oil and 20
          wagging food        IN THE U.S.                                SHUFHQW FDVHLQ  RU KLJK LQ ODUG RLO     SHUFHQW
                                                                         ODUG RLO     SHUFHQW FRUQ VWDUFK DQG    SHUFHQW
              Puritanism          As Americans are increasingly turning again  casein) compared to a high starch diet (68 percent
                       that   to real food, newspaper articles have appeared  corn starch, 12 percent corn oil and 20 percent

           is increaingly     praising the virtues of real butter, fatty meats  FDVHLQ  RU D KLJK SRO\XQVDWXUDWHG GLHW     SHUFHQW
                              and lard. A breakthrough was an article entitled  FRUQ VWDUFK     SHUFHQW FRUQ RLO DQG    SHUFHQW
               turning us     “Dieting? Don’t fear the fat,” by Allison Boomer,  casein). The lard oil diet was described as high in
             off—but of       published in the Boston Globe (January 7, 2009).  saturated fat, hence the title of the study, which
         spin-doctored        Noting that fats provide satiety she writes, “You  ¿QJHUV VDWXUDWHG IDWW\ DFLGV  7KH WLWOH FRQWDLQV
                              PLJKW IHHO TXLWH VDWLV¿HG  IRU LQVWDQFH  LI \RX  no mention of the similar adverse effects from
              reports on      crumble two slices of crisp bacon and one ounce  the high sucrose diet; but even worse is the char-
                scientific    of cheese on your salad or eat that delectable  acterization of lard oil as high in saturated fat.
                  studies.    golden skin on your broiled chicken. No one is  7KH GH¿QLWLRQ RI ODUG RLO LV ³RLO FRQVLVWLQJ FKLHÀ\
                              advising you to eat mountains of fries or other  of olein that is expressed from lard.” Olein is a
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