Page 61 - Summer2009
P. 61

Ask the Doctor

                                               A TREATMENT FOR HERPES
                                                 By Thomas S. Cowan, MD

          Question: What advice can you give me about  present and dormant in the nerve roots. At some
          herpes infection? According to conventional  point, possibly due to stress or other factors, the
          websites, “there is no treatment that can cure  virus becomes active and “erupts” as the pain-
          herpes, but antiviral medications can shorten  ful lesions of shingles in the distribution of the
          and prevent outbreaks during the period of time  affected nerve. Similarly with genital or oral
          the person takes the medication.” Since it can be  herpes, after the initial, painful infection has
          sexually transmitted, abstinence or “safe sex”  cleared, the virus remains in the roots of the
          practices are recommended. I don’t like the idea  nerves to erupt again on the skin under certain
          of taking antiviral medications on a permanent  conditions.
          basis and the abstinence part doesn’t appeal to     The symptoms of genital herpes are pain-
          me either. Is there a natural therapy that can get  ful sores in the genital region, which at times
          rid of herpes for good?                   can become crusty and infected. Some people
                                                    experience only one episode; in others episodes
          Answer: “Herpes” is among the ten medical  manifest several times over a lifespan; some,
          conditions most frequently searched for on the  however, experience painful eruptions every few
          Internet. You would think that with so much  weeks. It is for these people that this article is
          interest in the condition, the medical “experts”  mainly directed, those for whom longterm use
          would have more to offer than antiviral medi-  of conventional anti-viral treatments can result   Since the virus
          catons with their side effects of nausea, vomit-  in very unpleasant side effects.
          ing, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, rash and      The only other point I would like to men-  is essentially a
          decreased kidney function.                tion before discussing some possible treatments  piece of DNA
              The virus herpes simplex that is so common  is the fact that genital and oral herpes are both   surrounded
          today manifests in two forms, herpes simplex  transmissible illnesses. In fact, they both can
          type 1, which is associated with mouth sores,  be transferred even if the virus is completely   by a fatty
          and herpes simplex type 2, which is associated  dormant in the person carrying the virus. This is  layer, if we
          with sores or lesions in the genital area. This  truly an inconvenient truth, in that it means that   target
          distinction is not absolute as it seems that in  sexual contact can pass the virus on even if the
          some cases herpes simplex type 1 can also be  infected partner has no outward signs of illness.   this aspect,
          associated with sores in the genital area. There  Transmission is less common when the condition  we can largely

          are many other types of herpes viruses that cause  is dormant than if there are clear sores present,   “disable” the
          disease in humans, including the variety that  but we have well documented cases showing
          causes chicken pox and its associated condition  that it can occur. This is why herpes can be so   virus. Luckily,
          shingles.                                 troubling for people, as it has a disruptive effect  we have two
              Herpes viruses tend to be contagious, espe-  on their sexuality, even in the absence of outward   substances
          cially the varieties that cause chicken pox and  illness.
          genital lesions. They are encapsulated viruses,     Regarding the natural treatment of herpes   which are
          meaning they have a lipid or fatty capsule around  infection, we can take advantage of the character- known to
          their DNA, and they tend to have a chronic  istics of the virus to impact its tendency to erupt.   target this
          form that affects the nervous system. In chicken  Since the virus is essentially a piece of DNA sur-
          pox, this means that after the original illness of  rounded by a fatty layer, if we target this aspect   tendency of
          chicken pox is resolved, the herpes virus is still  we can largely “disable” the virus. Luckily, we  the virus.

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