Page 64 - Summer2009
P. 64
iodine?” she asked the homeopath. The answer levels were indeed within the range of normal!
she received was fascinating. It was about this time that, while at the
The homeopath explained that we know that theatre, she inadvertently ran into Alphonso,
iodine is key to thyroid health, but to use it in a handsome Italian friend from back in grad
gross form can sometimes be imprudent. Instead, school. He squeezed her hand and whispered,
in homeopathic formula, which is greatly diluted “Sprezzatura!”
DFFRUGLQJ WR D VSHFL¿F PDWKHPDWLFDO SURFHGXUH When she got home that night, she paged
any problems relating to iodine are eliminated, through her Italian dictionary and was delighted
OHDYLQJ RQO\ EHQH¿FLDO UHVXOWV 6LQFH KRPHRSD- to discover that the beautiful word means “the
thy is a medical paradigm used the world over, art of nonchalance in effortless elegance.” Ahhh
including European hospitals and clinics, and by WKH FRQ¿UPDWLRQ WKDW KHU OLIH ZDV EDFN
homeopathic MDs, we have plenty of research
to conclude that this method not only has merit,
but is safe. Joette Calabrese, CCH, RSHom, a certified
Margaret didn’t really care about the studies; homeopath with a thriving practice of discern-
her focus was on how well she began to feel. First ing clients throughout the United States and
she noticed that there was no longer a tangled abroad, is a sought after lecturer, author and
In gross form, mass on her hair brush. Then, her zeal returned. frequent radio guest. Ms. Calabrese’s signature
such as in its 7KLV KDSSHQHG ZLWKLQ WKH ¿UVW PRQWK RI WDNLQJ philosophy maintains that the blessing of health
original state, the homeopathic preparation. However, the most is not bestowed randomly, but can be achieved
remarkable restoration was when she observed through the detailed and systematic method of
elemental the pounds slowly melting and the fatigue elimi- classical homeopathy. Her nearly 25 years of
iodine can nated. extensive study and practice complement her
Symptom by symptom, the disease seemed unique methods of classical homeopathy with
actually cause to dissolve. It was so natural and not unlike the the precepts of slow food nutrition. She may be
thyroid way she felt before being struck with hypothyroid contacted for phone consultations, seminars, and
pathology. disease. Months later, her thyroid hormone was a variety of nutritional and homeopathy CDs at
again measured and the proof was revealed. Her 716.941.1045
The link between iodine and the thyroid gland is well established; therefore, it is no surprise that homeopathic io-
dine has been used homeopathically for many decades. In its original state, elemental iodine can actually cause thyroid
pathology. This is why in the much diluted methods of homeopathic preparation it can instead rouse the body to address
the very problem it can sometimes cause. This capacity reveals the very essence of homeopathy, which is ruled by the
law “like cures like.”
In the case of Margaret’s sufferings, this remedy was chosen because it suited not only her specific symptoms, but
her personality as well. What caught the homeopath’s attention, in this case, was her uncharacteristic weight gain and
subdued behavior that was so unlike her when in health. Since the need for Iodum is characterized by these features, it
proved to be just the right fit for Margaret.
However, Margaret had a colleague for whom the remedy choice was quite different. A common remedy for thyroid
nodules, whether accompanied by hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, is Sepia. But again, the choice of Sepia depends
on the entirety of the person suffering the problem. Margaret’s colleague had just had a baby when she developed her
thyroid issues. This put her in a reproductive state that would need to be considered for the totality of symptoms to
match. For example, she too experienced weight gain, but it was accompanied by mood swings and sleeplessness. Since
Margaret’s hormones were not those of a new mother, Sepia would have been unsuitable for her.
A man suffering from hypo- or hyperthyroidism would indeed be subject to the same differentiating criteria, but the
hallmark of his sufferings might include chronic perspiration of the head, easy weight gain that was particularly flabby
and an overall sluggish disposition. There might also be anxiety and an overwhelmed sensation from his many respon-
sibilities. This would point squarely in the direction of Calcarea carbonica, a homeopathic remedy most noted for these
symptoms. Thus homeopathy is person-specific, not disease-specific and anything less would be a mediocre, polyester,
one-size-fits-all choice. In the quest for authentic health, this will never do.
62 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2009