Page 63 - Summer2009
P. 63

Homeopathy Journal

                                         THYROID AND HOMEOPATHIC IODINE
                                       By Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom (NA)

              Margaret was uncommonly dazzling, char-  so small she literally needed a magnifying glass
          LVPDWLF DQG FRQVWLWXWLRQDOO\ XQ¿W IRU IUXPS\  to make out the words. But, it was indeed as clear
          clothes. Nothing she wore matched exactly, yet  as day…anxiety, mood swings, hair loss, weight
          it all worked together quite nicely because it was  gain, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, shortness of
          draped on her body with her patrician sensibili-  breath, seizures. She already had suffered some
          ties.                                     of these symptoms and the drug only promised
              She summered at Martha’s Vineyard, her  more!
          long tan legs attracting onlookers. . . mostly     Next Margaret visited a psychiatrist, be-
          men, but women, too. I can’t say in public what  cause of the angst she was experiencing. He too
          the men would think but I’m sure Margaret  proposed drugs. “No thanks,” she thought. She
          NQHZ  ,W JDYH KHU SHUPLVVLRQ WR ÀRXQFH KHU KDLU  could have submitted without a struggle and
          incautiously. The result was a kind of male chaos  simply taken the prescriptions, but that wasn’t
          that fell in her wake. She was the sort of woman  Margaret’s style. In fact, even her best friend
          who reveled in her ever-changing relationships,  asked her, “What’s wrong with taking medi-
          amending them simply because the challenge  FLQH"´ ³1R ´ 0DUJDUHW LQVLVWHG  ³, PXVW ¿QG D
          was entertaining.                         ERQD ¿GH solution.”
              But then, one weekend after a friend’s open-     And so Margaret wore her hair in a sweeping
          ing in Soho, something snapped. Instead of her  fashion that concealed the loss that honestly only
          usual deftness in her daily routine, she began to  she noticed. She was driven by her innate tenac-
          experience weariness. It moderated her usual  ity to unearth an alternative solution. A colleague
          steady vitality with a chronic longing for naps.  who had been relieved of thyroid nodules with a   Once the
          Before long, she also recognized that her easy  special homeopathic preparation suggested the   energy of
          FRQ¿GHQFH DQG ÀLSSDQW DLU KDG GZLQGOHG DQG ZDV  name of her reputable homeopath. So, Margaret
          being replaced by a diminished, subdued version  scheduled a phone consultation because the   the illness is
          of her old self. And she began to lose more hair  homeopath lived two states away.   met by the
          than she cared to think about.                After this initial consultation, Margaret was   energy of the
              $W ¿UVW  KHU V\PSWRPV ZHUH PLOG  EXW E\ WKH  comforted. She was not told her hypothyroid con-
          WLPH VKH HQWHUHG WKH GRFWRU¶V RI¿FH  VKH ZDV DJL-  dition would be cured, but the homeopath put it in   remedy, it
          tated and alarmed. “It feels like I have a chronic  a different way. “Your body is responding to an   will be
          WRXFK RI WKH ÀX  DQG ZRUVH  ,¶YH SXW RQ WZHQW\  imbalance which causes symptoms. We will use   unnecessary
          pounds.” The latter symptom troubled her the  the symptoms to determine which homeopathic
          most.                                     remedy is best suited to antidote or address your   for the body
              The doctor considered hypothyroidism and  VSHFL¿F LPEDODQFH  2QFH WKH HQHUJ\ RI WKH LOO-  to react.
          subsequent tests indicated Margaret’s TSH (thy-  ness is met by the energy of the remedy, it will   Instead, the
          roid stimulating hormone) was indeed low, so he  be unnecessary for the body to react. Instead,
          advised a medication. This wouldn’t cure her, of  the reactions to the disease or symptoms will be   reactions to
          course, but it would manage the problem.     antidoted.”                             the disease or
              Margaret began to question the decision to     Margaret was inspired by the word “anti-  symptoms will
          follow through since the side effects were written  dote” and within a week from taking the rem-
          in the drug pack she was handed, albeit in print  edy Iodum, her fatigue began to fade. “Is this   be antidoted.

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