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this tendency of the virus. of lauric acid and other short- and medium-chain fatty acids found in
First, the herb Hypericum perforatum, coconut oil. During digestion, the body breaks triglycerides (three fatty
commonly known as St. John’s wort, contains acids joined to a glycerol molecule) into di-glycerides (two fatty acids
a chemical called hypericin. It is hypericin that joined to a glycerol molecule), monoglycerides (one fatty acid joined to
gives the red color to the oil glands in the leaves, a glycerol molecule) and free fatty acids. It is the monoglycerol of lauric
and it is hypericin that selectively targets the lipid acid, called monolaurin, that has the strongest anti-microbial effects.
capsule of viruses. For years, I counseled my herpes patients to eat as much coconut oil,
For centuries, physicians have valued St. as they could stomach. However, in the past year, I discovered a product
John’s wort as a nervine, meaning a medicine called Lauricidin, which is a concentrate or pure form of monolaurin. One
that targets the nervous system. Thus practi- dose of Lauricidin is the equivalent of taking many tablespoons of coconut
tioners have traditionally used St. John’s wort RLO SHU GD\ D SUDFWLFH PRVW SHRSOH ¿QG LQWROHUDEOH , KDYH EHHQ FRQVLVWHQWO\
to treat depression and tooth ache. Remember impressed with the ability of Lauricidin to suppress herpes outbreaks,
that the nervous system consists largely of cells not to mention yeast problems like candida (monolaurin is also a potent
with fatty coatings, similar to the encapsulated anti-fungal agent), and allow people to get off their antiviral drugs. It is
viruses. The plant in its wisdom contains the a safe extract, which can be taken long term. The usual dose to suppress
active chemical hypericin in an oily base, and the herpes is about 1/2 to 1 scoop, one to three times per day. It should be
because oil only dissolves in oil, it penetrates the swallowed, not chewed, and always taken with some food. The dose should
oily tissues of the body, that is, the nerve cells, be increased slowly as tolerated and as gauged by its effectiveness.
where hypericin then dissolves the lipid coating In addition, we must pay attention to the overall microbial content of
of the virus. I generally prefer Mediherb herbal our bodies, as we know that good bacteria actually synthesize antiviral
products because of their potency. The dose is substances. For most, this will mean following a nourishing traditional
two tablets twice per day, even for the very long diet containing a variety of lacto-fermented foods; for others a temporary
term. GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet may be needed. The fermented
The second characteristic takes advantage cod liver oil is important at the dose of at least one-half teasoon per day.
of the virus-disabling effect of lauric acid, the With this regimen most of my patients have been able to avoid both the
12-carbon fatty acid found in breast milk fat conventional antiviral drugs and the painful symptoms of genital herpes.
and in coconut oil. Thanks to the work of Mary
Kudos go to David Augenstein “Auggie” of the “The Journal of Whole Food and Traditional Health” Blog and the Ohio
Connections to Whole Food and Nutritional Healing, sponsors of the first Ohio Conference on Raw Milk. The conference
covered the health benefits of raw milk, problems with commercial dairy, legal issues, production methods, herdshares, con-
necting to local sources and the business and marketing/promotion of raw milk and featured lectures from Farm-to-Consumer
Legal Defense Fund leadership, D. Gary Cox, Esq. and Tim Wightman.
Betsy Clay, WAPF Chapter Leader; David Augenstein, Co-director of Ohio Fund members, John and Jackie Stower,
Connections to Whole Food and Nutritional Healing; D. Gary Cox, Legal share the story of the SWAT team raid on
Counsel for Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund; and Tim Wightman, their farm, homeschool and food ministry
Founding Board Member, Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. in LaGrange Ohio last December.
60 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2009