Page 59 - Summer2009
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glyderide of oleic acid; that is, oleic acid joined  HQWLWOHG ³3URLQÀDPPDWRU\ 3KHQRW\SH RI 3HUL-
          to a glycerol molecule. Thus the diet described as  vascular Adipocytes: Influence of High-Fat
          high in saturated fatty acids was actually high in  Feeding.” The researchers found more markers of
          monounsaturated fatty acids! (None of the diets  YDVFXODU LQÀDPPDWLRQ LQ PLFH SODFHG RQ D ³KLJK
          could be called normal diets.)            fat Western diet.” But nowhere in the article or
              It would be surprising if saturated fats  the accompanying press release do the authors
          caused liver problems in experiments like these  disclose the type of fat fed to the mice.
          because for sixty years, research has shown that     After an email query, Neil Weintraub, the
          saturated fats protect the liver. A recent study,  principal study author, provided us with the feed-
          published in the Journal of Nutrition            ing formula they used—the fat used was indeed
               $SULO        IRXQG WKDW VDWXUDWHG IDW IURP  an animal fat, what the industry calls anhydrous
          beef tallow reduced alcoholic liver toxicity in  milk fat; that is, butterfat with most of the mois-
          rats whereas corn oil increased markers of liver  ture removed. The other main components of
          toxicity. Moral: If you drink, eat plenty of butter  the formula were casein (20 percent by weight),
          and fatty meats.                          VXFURVH     SHUFHQW E\ ZHLJKW  DQG FRUQ VWDUFK
                                                        SHUFHQW E\ ZHLJKW ²DOO SUREOHPDWLF LQJUH-
              More spin doctoring comes with a Novem-  tion. As there was no control group fed the same
          ber, 2008 study published in the Journal of Clini-  formula but with polyunsaturated oil instead of
          cal Investigation (doi:10.1172/JCI32661) which  anhydrous milk fat, the researchers could make
          compared the results of two diets fed to pregnant  no comparison of the effects of mostly saturated
          monkeys. One group got a “healthy” diet of  versus mostly polyunsaturated fatty acids.
          IUXLWV  YHJHWDEOHV DQG    SHUFHQW IDW  7KH RWKHU     And anhydrous milk fat may not have the
          percent of calories as fat, and which, according  KDV ¿JXUHG RXW KRZ WR DGG SRO\XQVDWXUDWHG IDWW\
          to a news report, included potato chips, peanut  acids to milk fat through enzymatic interesteri-
          butter and chocolate. (A description of the diet  ¿FDWLRQ
          GRHV QRW DSSHDU LQ WKH VFLHQWL¿F UHSRUW   ,Q WKH     Weintraub believes that his results prove
          latter group, fatty liver disease developed in the  that “high-fat diets” can predispose individuals
          IHWXVHV WKDW ZHUH VDFUL¿FHG IRU WHVWLQJ  DQG WKH  to heart disease even if they do not have high
          offspring allowed to be born became obese.   cholesterol levels. “. . . many patients who con-
              The obvious conclusion of this study is  sume high fat diets do not exhibit abnormal lipid   It would be
          that a junk diet, high in sugar and processed  SUR¿OHV EXW VWLOO GHYHORS DWKHURVFOHURVLV QRQHWKH-
          vegetable oils, during pregnancy will adversely  OHVV  7KHVH QHZ ¿QGLQJV VXJJHVW D GLUHFW OLQN  surprising if

                                                                                               saturated fats
          affect the offspring. But according to a public  EHWZHHQ SRRU GLHWDU\ KDELWV DQG LQÀDPPDWLRQ
          statement by Professor Jacob Friedman, one of  of blood vessels. . .”                caused liver
          co-authors, the study “implicates the saturated     The study was again funded by the National
          fat in the diet as the culprit.” Yet there was twice  Institutes of Health, which preaches that “poor  problems in

          the level of unsaturated fat as saturated fat in the  dietary habits” mean consumption of foods like   experiments
          junk food diet. The study was funded by grants  meat, butter and cheese, high in saturated fat.  like these
          from the National Institutes of Health, which is
          ¿UPO\ ZHGGHG WR WKH K\SRWKHVLV WKDW VDWXUDWHG  WATCHING CLOSELY                      because for
          fats are the cause of chronic disease. Obviously,     Why would the industry be concerned about   sixty years,
          Dr. Friedman has funding for future studies in  a small group of people returning to butter, lard   research has
          mind.                                     and other real foods? Because even small chang-
                                                    es in consumption patterns can wreak havoc in  shown that
          BLOOD VESSEL INFLAMMATION                 an industry geared to foods based on vegetable   saturated fats
              Another saturated fat attack comes from a  oils. And the industry knows that small trends   protect the
          February, 2009 study published in the American  soon become big trends.
          Heart Association journal Circulation Research     And the industry is watching carefully. A  liver.

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