Page 75 - summer2016
P. 75

Homeopathy Journal

                                          HELP FOR THE SLEEPLESS CHILD
                                    By Joette Calabrese, HMC,CCH, RSHom (NA)

                What drives new parents to the point of near  that easily puts all children to sleep without any
            insanity? A sleepless child.              muss or fuss, like the promise of pharmaceuti-
                I know. Until I had children, I had no idea  cals, but when employing homeopathy, a more
            the crushing effect a sleepless child could have  exacting method is required.
            on a family. In fact, I had no idea what it was like     It is not a complicated process, however it
            to have a child with any difficulties because up  eluded me during the early moments of my bur-
            to that point, I lived in a childless dream world,  geoning motherhood, due largely to my sopho-
            where sleep was taken for granted. Then I had  moric understanding of homeopathy at the time.
            one who wouldn’t slumber.                 I later learned that the homeopathic technique
                I was a slave to his insomnia. I rocked  forces us to tighten our observational skills,
            him. Walked him. Fed him calming foods like  become familiar with a handful of homeopathic
            warm, raw milk. Sang to him. Yet no matter  medicines and learn when to use them.
            my efforts, he remained wide awake. I felt like     Certainly the watchful eye of a mother is
            crying in defeat because nothing I did helped.  a critical component when rearing children. In
            There were times he’d fall asleep in my arms  fact, the survival of humankind depends on this.
            after walking him for hours, but the smallest  However, there is a contrary side to a mother’s
            action of putting him down in his bed would  attention to details in which she does not (or
            wake him, leaving me no other choice but to  cannot) see what is actually happening to her
            either let him scream for hours (which I could  child, in spite of obvious evidence. Perhaps
            only endure a few times before collapsing into  because it is too painful to admit that certain
            comforting him), or continue pacing through  intellectual theories she may have held in high
            the wee hours of the night. My husband and I  regard may not be at play. Perhaps she cannot
            were so worn out by our sleepless baby that we  see a clear overview when details are in hyper-
            recruited my parents and a babysitter's aid on  focus. Such was the case with my son and me.
            some nights, just so we could squeeze in a few  Possibly, I didn't want to believe there was an
            hours of desperately needed rest. None of this  underlying condition, such as a problem with his
            affected our little one nearly as much as it did  gut and how it may have influenced his sleep. I
            my husband and me because he would snooze  held to my reasoning that I had only consumed
            on my shoulder a little, as long as I walked. At  wholesome, pure foods for at least a decade
            the time, I was a homeopathy student and barely  prior to conceiving him; I had followed WAP's   Sleep-inducing
            knew how to treat simple acute illnesses, let  precepts upon conception to a “T”; I gave birth   drugs like
            alone this chronic condition.             at home, and he was never exposed to manufac-
                As you can imagine, sleep-inducing drugs  tured foods nor a pharmaceutical lifestyle. I was   Ambien,
            like Ambien, Restoril and Sonata are sometimes  sure I had done everything right. So I readily   Restoril and
            administered to babies and older children in the  dismissed what I should have paid attention to   Sonata are
            over-prescribed, conventional pharmaceutical  most.
            world we live in today. But for those of us walk-     With the passage of time (which, in truth,   sometimes
            ing the path of a more wholesome approach,  equated to many more months than I care to   administered
            drugs like these are out of the question.  admit) and a dash or two of clarity, I was finally   to babies and
                Indeed, I wish I could tell you there is one  able to unearth the cause of my baby’s sleep
            simple solution; a single homeopathic remedy  disorder. The sobering truth was that my child   older children.
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