Page 79 - summer2016
P. 79
RM: Food was part of the problem but like a is just a horrible way to live. And then there I calculated
lot of things, it also turned out to be part of the was the exercise diet where I was going to the
solution. I worked in the software industry and gym twice a day—just burning myself up. And that on some
one thing about that industry is you spend a lot I actually lost weight on these, but these diets days I was
of time at your desk in front of the computer. If are unsustainable. They don't work over the putting away
you're writing code, reviewing code or design- long term. In every case where I lost weight on
ing software, there's not a whole lot of time to a diet, I gained it all back. I was a vegetarian for up to seven
go out and eat. The software companies want a year and lost some weight but then gained it thousand
employee productivity and so they make eating right back. The change for me came one day on calories.
very easy. They bring in pretzels and donuts; the way to work. I felt so terrible that I decided
sodas from the machine costs only ten cents I was going to fast for that day. And I did and
per soda or they are even free. And so it was felt pretty good. At dinner time I did get some
really easy to put down lots of junk food very food—grilled chicken with vegetables, and I
quickly at work. I calculated that on some days I drank water. When I woke up the next morning,
was putting away up to seven thousand calories. I felt 50 percent better and thought, “Wow that
And many of my colleagues were doing the was amazing!” so I did it again a second day.
same thing. It's not uncommon in the software And when I woke up the third day I felt like a
industry to find overweight people. new man. I could not believe it. At first I thought
I must have been eating some kind of magic
HLG: So how did you figure out that the food chicken. But then I realized: no it's not what
you were eating wasn't the best, that you needed I was eating. It's what I wasn't eating. I wasn't
to change what you were eating? You must have eating the potato chips and a lot of processed
tried a million diets? food out of the vending machine. That's when
the light bulb went on.
RM: I would say a million and one diets. I talk
about them in my book A Life Unburdened. HLG: In your book you mention that your wife
One of the diets we did was the cabbage diet, was struggling also, that both of you were in this
where we basically ate a lot of cabbage—which together. How did the light bulb go on for her?
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Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions 79