Page 82 - summer2016
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is it, this is what I've been doing and what I’ve been thinking but couldn't be in mud up to your hips or climbing eight-foot
articulate it at the time.” I realized that these people had the information walls or on monkey bars. It's like a big kid's
I needed. It just so happened that shortly after that the Foundation was playground but I don't think I’ve ever been as
doing a talk somewhere in DC and I decided to go. I was just blown exhausted as I was at the end of that race.
away because all of the things that I suspected were true. The Weston A.
Price Foundation became my number one source for information about HLG: Does your wife join you on the track and
whole foods. Spartan races?
RM: And you know what I picked up from the meeting was honesty. I RM: No, she's not so much into that extreme
mean I didn't feel like I was being sold. For once in a very long time I’m kind of racing but we hike together—she loves
getting real honest information. hiking. We live in a rural area so there's a lot
of places to go for long walks. We typically do
HLG: How much time went by from the chicken experience in New a three-mile walk together two or three times
York to when you were really feeling good? When did you start running a week.
races for example?
HLG: It sounds like activity is a piece of the
RM: From the day I ate that magic chicken to the moment when I really puzzle as well.
felt terrific was eighteen months. I lost over one hundred fifty pounds.
And I didn't really notice that I had lost that much weight until people RM: It's a big piece of the puzzle. There was a
began saying. “Wow! He's lost a lot of weight!” People began urging me period when I was solely focused on food. We
to write a book. That was back in 2003, but believe it or not, I just got do need to take what we eat seriously. But I real-
into racing last year. I didn't think it was something that I would like but ized that what I eat is not disconnected from the
I sort of stumbled into it. You know in my book I talk about the Ten Steps rest of my life. All of our lives are complicated
to Success, and I think step number nine was “Find Your Motivation.” It and everything is connected to everything else.
turns out that I'm just passionate about running races. Racing has became I realized that there has to be a reason for eat-
another motivator for me to stay on this path of eating the foods that are ing good food and for me eating good food was
more likely to yield good health for me. But it's also fun. I’m getting out a way to fuel my racing. Another reason: my
there and running because I enjoy it. I do a five K here and a ten K there. wife and I are small-scale farmers raising pigs,
I just finished a ten miler a couple days ago. I’m looking forward to doing chickens and turkeys, which can be strenuous
the Spartan Obstacle Race later this year. work. And so eating good food is a way to fuel
us to do that work.
HLG: And the Spartan races have more challenges than a regular race,
right? HLG: A lot of athletes are looking for the
perfect optimal fuel such as protein powders
RM: The ten-miler I did was just straight running for ten miles. The and energy bars. Is that the kind of fuel that
Spartan races have obstacles that include all kinds of stuff. You might your body needs to sustain and meet these
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82 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions