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All Thumbs Book Reviews

         then, probably most data are so deeply buried  system. In other words, more money is brought into the system.
         no amount of money in the world will get you     A broad range of witnesses—from doctors, to courts, to the FDA,
         a peek at them.                           to journal editors, to researchers, to victims—all agree. There is a moral
            One of the branches of modern medicine  vacuum at the top of the healthcare industry. It isn't confined to just
         that has most unreasonably detached itself from  one industry. The author himself compares it to the tobacco industry. I
         the data, ironically, is psychiatry. Psychiatrist  would expand it to all major industries, high levels of government, the
         David Healy said “There is probably no other  FDA, scientific journals and, it pains me to say, the grassroots. Until the
         area of medicine in which the academic litera-  grassroots lets go of its willful ignorance, addiction to convenience and
         ture is so at odds with the raw data.” This field  naive acceptance of everything the government and industry say, we will
         has defined so many mental disorders so vaguely  get what we deserve. Until we stop supporting and patronizing corrupt
         that, by these definitions, we are all crazy. I am  institutions and industries we will get what we deserve.
         often tempted to believe that really is the case,     Gøtzsche offers a number of solutions. He suggests scrapping for-
         but then I get serious. If you have heard the  profit drugs, banning trials by industry on its own products and full
         rumors that the federal government wants to  disclosure of all trial data. He also recommends no marketing of drugs.
         screen everybody for mental illness then you  I'm an old dog who remembers when drug advertising was not legal in
         know what a bad idea that is. The inmates really  the U.S. It was a better, healthier time. These are good ideas but until
         are running the asylum.                   the moral vacuum is removed no idea will be good enough. More rules
            Speaking of screening, studies have shown  will just mean more opportunities to ignore, corrupt or twist the rules.
         health screening has zero effect on overall  Raising awareness is the first step and this book certainly does that, so
         mortality. It doesn't work. Well, actually it does  the thumb is UP for this book.          Review by Tim Boyd
         work. It brings more patients into the healthcare

                                             BOOK REVIEWS IN WISE TRADITIONS

              The Weston A. Price Foundation receives two or three books per week, all of course seeking a Thumbs Up review.
           What are the criteria we use for choosing a book to review, and for giving a Thumbs Up?

           •  First and foremost, we are looking for books that add to the WAPF message. Dietary advice should incorporate the
              WAPF guidelines while adding new insights, new discoveries and/or new therapies.

           •   We are especially interested in books on the fat-soluble vitamins, traditional food preparation methods and healing
              protocols based on the WAPF dietary principles.

           •   We look for consistency. If you talk about toxins in vaccines in one part of your book, but say you are not against
              vaccines in another part of your book, or praise fat in your text but include recipes featuring lean meat, we are
              unlikely to review it.

           •   We do not like to give Thumbs Down reviews. If we do not agree with the major tenets expounded in a book sent
              to us, we will just not review it. However, we feel that we have an obligation to point out the problems in influential
              or bestselling books that are peddling misinformation, and for these we will give a negative review. We also will give
              a negative review to a book that misrepresents the findings of Weston A. Price.

           •   If you want us to review your book, please do not send it as an email attachment. Have the courtesy to send us a
              hard copy book or a print-out of your ebook or manuscript in a coil binding.

         86                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2016                                                                 Wise Traditions
   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91