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            Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime:        The biggest difficulty with discussing drug
            How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare   trials is knowing where to begin. Other book
            by Peter C Gøtzsche                       reviews have talked about this so I will try not
            Radcliffe Publishing                      to be redundant. One of the key problems with
                                                      placebo controlled trials is that often the placebo
               The author, Peter Gøtzsche, graduated with  doesn't fool anybody. Most people know drugs
            a Master of Science degree in biology and chem-  have side effects so if you are not experiencing
            istry in 1974 and as a physician in 1984. He is a  any, you got the placebo. This book recommends
            specialist in internal medicine; he worked with  correcting that with active placebos, meaning
            clinical trials and regulatory affairs in the drug  placebos that generate side effects similar to the
            industry and is a co-founder of the Cochrane  actual drug.
            Collaboration.                               While poor methodology is epidemic, there
               I mention this just to point out that the infor-  is a much larger, more central problem. Pharma-
            mation in this book comes from someone who  ceutical trials are not motivated by any dedica-
            has been inside the industry for a long time. He  tion to science or safety. They are marketing. It
            is not just another troll regurgitating nonsense  should be obvious to the FDA and everybody
            made up by some other troll.              else that the testing of a product by the producer
               A few numbers begin to paint the picture.  will never be anything but marketing, but the
            In 2009, Pfizer paid over two billion dollars in  farce continues.
            a healthcare fraud settlement. GlaxoSmithKline     Scientific journals helpfully provide support
            paid three billion in 2011. Johnson & Johnson  for this marketing. Lancet editor Richard Horton
            was fined over one billion dollars in 2012, and he  said “Journals have devolved into information
            lists several others. Even for large corporations  laundering operations for the pharmaceutical in-
            these numbers sound huge to me.           dustry.” The pharmaceutical industry is clearly
               His evaluation of the pharmaceutical in-  about money and not health. If you make it half
            dustry may seem excessively harsh if you are  way through this book without getting that point
            new to this subject, but the numbers above are  you either work for the industry or perhaps you
            just a few early details in an account of many  are availing yourself of a few too many of their
            documented offenses. When asked to comment  products.
            on what he thinks of the industry's ethics, he     But. . . but the FDA will protect us, right?
            jokes that it is difficult to describe what doesn’t  FDA scientist Len Lutwalk said that if the
            exist.                                    American people knew some of the things that
               I worked in the defense industry for many  go on in the FDA, they'd never take anything
            years and I find the approach of industry in  but Bayer aspirin.                   Pharmaceutical
            general to ethics would be funny if the conse-     Companies like to claim that the efficacy of   trials are not
            quences were not so often dangerous or deadly.  their product is backed up by the data, but does   motivated by
            We had to attend mandatory ethics training  anyone ever see the data? Russell Katz, director
            which typically occupied about one hour of our  of the neuropharmacology division of the FDA  any dedication
            time each year. The effectiveness of this is dubi-  said companies don't like to publish negative   to science or
            ous at best. If I just intentionally sold a “health”  studies. He finds it amusing how so many sci-  safety.
            product that kills people, is a little training going  entists and physicians make pronouncements on
            to reform me? Oops, that happened because I  the data without seeing the data. If you really  They are
            missed my ethics training. Sorry. My bad.  want to see data you usually have to pay. Even   marketing.

 Wise Traditions   SUMMER 2016                       Wise Traditions                                                  85
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