Page 83 - summer2016
P. 83
RM: I've read about protein powders and I HLG: Well here is a marvelous story about not You know
did try them for a while. But they seem like a only your own health turnaround but that of
waste of money to me. You don't really know your family. As we prepare to wrap up is there industrial
how much protein or how much filler is in those anything you would like to tell our listeners? chickens get
products. And why use a protein powder when What is one thing you would recommend they growth
I’m producing high quality protein right here do to improve their health?
at home. I can just go out to my freezer where hormones and
I've got pork, chicken, turkey and beef. I've also RM: I think everything starts with education. in some cases
got eggs. I have found that real food is the best There are no one-size-fits-all solutions for any- antibiotics
source of all the nutrients I need to fuel my life body and so it really is on us as individuals to
educate ourselves. Find a source like Weston because these
HLG: I’m sure your grandparents were more A. Price Foundation website where there's lots chemicals
likely to eat real food than they were to have pro- of information. And you can educate yourself. make them
tein powders. We are trying to go back, which Don't just take anybody's word for what is best
is actually part of the mission of the Weston for you; educate and then experiment to find out grow, and
A. Price Foundation, to honor the traditions of what works. make them
our ancestors. fatter faster.
Richard Morris once weighed over four hundred
RM: Absolutely. The more you process a food, pounds and was on the fast track to an early
the more you're going to lose some of those core grave. He found his way back to health by redis-
nutrients. You could wind up with something covering the transformative power of real food.
that tastes okay but it's just not the same thing. He is the author of A Life Unburdened: Getting
Since I’ve been powering my activities with real Over Weight and Getting on with My Life, an
protein from good sources, my output has been Eric Hoffer Award winner. Richard has shared
better. The ten-mile race I ran a couple days ago his inspirational story with audiences around
has been my best race so far. That's because I’m the country. A real food enthusiast, small-scale
constantly honing my diet and using real food farmer, and obstacle-course racer, Richard has
to get where I need to go. been profiled in the film documentaries: Ameri-
can Meat, and Polyfaces. He will be a speaker at
HLG: And how old are your girls now? Wise Traditions 2016 in Montgomery, Alabama,
November 13, 2016.
RM: My youngest is twenty-one, and my oldest
is about to be twenty-six. And both of them are
in good health now. My oldest daughter started
developing breasts at a really early age. My
wife and I asked the doctor whether it could be
the food. And he just dismissed us—he waved
that away: “Oh no it can't possibly be that.” So
my next daughter comes along and we see the
same thing. At that time we were eating a lot of
industrial chicken. And so we stopped feeding
her that and switched to pasture-fed chicken—
and the condition reversed itself! So I do think it
was the food. You know industrial chickens get
growth hormones and in some cases antibiotics
because these chemicals make them grow, and
make them fatter faster.
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions 83