Page 80 - summer2016
P. 80

tasted good had changed. I ended up crumpling
                              RM: When I realized that I'd been eating all of  up the bag with some chips still in it, and I threw
                              the wrong foods, I got on the phone and called  it on the floor of the car. That was the moment
                              my wife back home in Virginia. “I would like  I was pretty much done with those cravings.
                              us to change the way we eat,” I said. “I think we  So the more you continue to eat whole foods,
                              need to go back to eating the way our grandpar-  the more those cravings for industrial overly
                              ents ate.” Now at the time I weighed over four  processed foods will subside.
                              hundred pounds, and my wife was pushing two
                              hundred pounds, so we were both overweight. It  HLG: Did you feel like the people around you
                              just so happened that she was thinking along the  were thinking “This is another fad diet, he's
                              same lines; she knew that we were both headed  going to go back to 'regular' eating,” or could
                              in the wrong direction. We have two girls and  they sense it was for real this time?
                              they were gaining weight also; we knew we were
                              doing something wrong. She didn't give me any  RM: Nobody was really saying anything to me
                              pushback on it but said, “I think this is a great  at work. At home, my wife and I began to go
                              idea.” So while I was still in New York, she and  for walks in the neighborhood, as part of our
                              my daughters went to our kitchen cabinets and  change. I had a next door neighbor who did
                              took out every box, every can, everything that  comment that I was losing weight and looking
                              had a list of ingredients you needed a labora-  better. But for the most part people didn't say
                              tory to reproduce, everything with items in the  much about it.
                              ingredients list that you couldn't pronounce. And
                              from that point we started going to the grocery  HLG: They probably didn't know what to make
                              store and buying whole foods and cooking our  of it. The important thing is that you and your
                              own meals.                               wife were feeling the difference. I bet your girls
                                                                       were feeling the difference also.
                              HLG: So it took effort, it didn't just happen. Did
                              you have cravings? Did you want to go back to  RM: Yes we were, within a very short period of
                              the old stuff?                           time. We felt better—I mean really better. And
                                                                       there was a period where I was dropping six
                              RM: There was one incident that occurred after  pounds a week. And I wasn't counting calories
                              we had made this change. We had been eating  or exercising too much. I was just eating real
                              whole foods and cooking our own food—and  food and going for walks in the morning. The
                              it was delicious. I had forgotten what home-  weight just fell off and you know that success
                              cooked meals tasted like. And after several  breeds motivation. Feeling better, seeing myself
                              months, I started losing weight—I was making  get a little bit smaller and my clothes fitting bet-
                              progress and feeling good. Then one day—it  ter—that just kept me going.
                              must have been a stressful day—after I got off
                              work I stopped at the store and picked up a bag  HLG: And you were saying earlier that diets
                              of potato chips, not a small bag—it was a family  are not sustainable. What do you mean by that,

               It’s a diet    sized bag. And so I’m eating this bag of chips as  Richard?
                              I’m driving home, and you know what you can't
            that we can  eat just one. I was almost through with the bag  RM: Diets don't last; I like to say that diets don't
            live with for     of chips when I realized that they didn't taste  work long term. Diets can work short term but

            a long, long      good. Why was I still eating them? Instead of  really what you want is a long-term solution for
                              making me feel better like chips used to—at  losing weight. Long term with these diets you
                time, for  least temporarily—they made me feel worse.  not only gain the weight back but gain extra. So
             generation       It was more than guilt about eating something  the approach to dieting needs to be something
                     after    that I knew that I shouldn't—literally those chips  that is sustainable, which means it has got to be
                              did not taste good and I think that's because my  something that you can do not just for a tempo-
             generation.  taste buds had changed. My general idea of what  rary period of time but for the rest of your life.
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