Page 76 - summer2016
P. 76

When the         not only suffered from insomnia but also a     Here are some of the most common causes

                 DNA is       swollen, tympanic belly. It was wishful think-  of chronic pediatric insomnia and their impor-
                              ing on my part that kept me believing his belly  tant homeopathic medicines to consider:
          poked at by         was normal, but in my most lucid moments, it
           suppressing        was painfully evident that I was not addressing  1.  Ignatia is the best choice when the cause
              methods,        the true essence of his condition. Then one day   of insomnia is the result of a psychologi-
                              (for no reason I can clearly recall), I decided to
                                                                           cal issue such as fear, anxiety, sadness or
         such as drugs        give him a homeopathic medicine designed to   stress. It’s also an effective go-to remedy
        of commerce,          treat bloated bellies and food intolerances. Over   when there do not appear to be any other
           the result is      a period of about six weeks, some remarkable   extrinsic factors present. Ignatia 200 is also
                              changes began to occur. First, his appetite re-
                                                                           my primary choice in cases of childhood
           thrown into        turned. This was not something I had wholly   insomnia when nothing else stands out as
               the next       recognized as being associated with his overall   the cause.
           generation.        state, but it was evident upon its correction.
                              Then soon enough, a healthy, stable sleeping  2.  What if the sleepless child is a newborn?
        This inherited        pattern started to emerge. I can’t recollect ex-  We don’t usually associate insomnia with
         stain is called      actly when my husband and I were no longer   neonatal pediatrics, and we don’t expect

              a miasm.        assigned to our obligatory nocturnal walkings,   that there would be a psychological cause.
                                                                           So instead, we might look at what preceded
                              but now, decades later, I can recall that he slowly
                              began sleeping through the night and not long   the baby’s insomnia; that is, the actual birth.
                              after, his swollen belly returned to a normal   If the baby came into the world in a flurry
                              shape and size.                              of drugs, such as those administered dur-
                                 What plagued me as much as my sleep       ing and after a C-section—Pitocin, which
                              deprivation was the guilt I accrued wondering   is used to speed up the body's natural
                              what I had done that might have contributed to   labor process; antibiotics present when the
                              this condition. I could only blame my husband's   mother is giving birth—a newborn can be
                              and my DNA, which had been plenty manipu-    adversely affected. Who wouldn’t be after
                              lated during previous decades of meds, meds   such an event? In cases like these, one
                              and more meds. Indeed, I should have recog-  dose only of Aconitum 200, followed by
                              nized this because in homeopathic literature   Nux vomica 200 taken once daily for a few
                              throughout the centuries, it is noted that when   days will often antidote the ill effects of
                              the DNA is poked at by suppressing methods,   the drugs and restore the child's sleep. This
                              such as drugs of commerce, the result is thrown   is particularly well-suited for babies who
                              into the next generation. This inherited stain is   concomitantly suffer from gastrointestinal
                              called a miasm.                              conditions, such as constipation, diarrhea
                                 I will note that certainly, not all cases of   or both, as well as colic.
                              childhood insomnia are rooted in gut ailments,
                              yet with this episode in my personal life and in  3.  If the child is a little older and appears
                              my practice, I’ve noted that far too many are.   over-active by way of constant chatter and
                                 As such, insomnia is frequently not just   a noticeably hurried state of mind, particu-
                              insomnia, but a representation of a deeper un-  larly after the use of conventional drugs,
                              derlying condition, which can include inherited   such as ADHD meds and other personality-
                              conditions of gut dysbiosis.                 altering substances, Coffea 200 is likely the
                                 However, there definitely are causes stem-  appropriate remedy for insomnia. The use
                              ming from more minor pathologies. Cases of   of Coffea is also suitable if the child eats or
                              teething are a prime example of this. What   drinks stimulating foods such as chocolate,
                              would seem to be a normal milestone in a child’s   coffee and other caffeinated substances, yet
                              life can sometimes morph into a pathology that   the use of these substances is not necessar-
                              can be the root of sleeplessness, sometimes even   ily requisite for choosing this medicine.
                              for weeks, thus becoming chronic.
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