Page 77 - summer2016
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4.  For the child who suffers from insomnia due to an overworked mind  tially restored, this is an indication the remedy
               resulting from a heavy school load, Kali phos 200 should be consid-  has not fully acted and needs more time. Yet, if
               ered.                                                      there is no improvement at all after a month and
                                                                          a half of use, it should be stopped and a more
                If none of the conditions described above fits the picture of the child  individually specific remedy considered in its
            in question, it might be time to consider those conditions that are promi-  place.
            nent in the family, such as gut dysbiosis, food intolerances and allergies,     Once you discover the medicine that works
            just like I did with my son so long ago. Based on my limited knowledge  best for your child, you'll experience a type of
            of homeopathy at the time, coupled with my blind eye to recognize the  relief you never thought possible. Homeopathy
            obvious, I initially started him on Ignatia, but with limited success.  has a long history of gently treating conditions
                The remedy that did correct my son’s insomnia was Lycopodium 200.  and uprooting them. A tender homeopathic
            I gave it to him once a week for about six weeks. As I remember it, there  nudge goes a long way when it comes to re-
            was no change in his sleep for a while, but I did notice a change in his  storing sleep, correcting food intolerances and
            overall demeanor. He was more lighthearted, his appetite increased and  easing a worried motherly mind. Genuine sleep
            he exhibited a new vitality. He began taking naps and bedtime became  will remove the blinders from weary eyes and
            a less dreaded undertaking than it had been up to that point, and more a  offer insight into a world of family-centered
            seemingly regular routine. His belly was no longer as bloated and after  medicine.
            about a month or so, his sleep was nearly fully restored (along with my
            sanity!).                                                     Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) is
                I fully expected to witness a complete cure, but that was not the case.  a homeopathic consultant and educator who
            Instead, it was necessary for me to administer Lycopodium 200 time  works with and trains students around the world
            and again over a period of several months. Each time it was employed,  via SKYPE and online courses. Gateway to Ho-
            his belly seemed to improve a little more. To this day, his sleep patterns  meopathy: A Study Group Guided Curriculum is
            directly coincide with his digestion, and I’ve noted the same for many  Joette’s newest course to help families learn how
            of my clients and students.                                   to use homeopathy protocols in their homes with
                As is often the case when employing homeopathy, it is best to stop  friends for chronic conditions, such as those in
            using the medicine once the condition has resolved. This can take any-  this article. Joette calls this method Practical
            where from a few hours, a few days or even several months, and is why  Homeopathy. Go to Homeopathystudygroups.
            the art of observation is so fundamental to the employment of homeopathy.  com to get started and read inspiring testimo-
            Generally, homeopathics are used twice daily, then assessed at the end  nies from other families currently participating
            of that time to determine whether improvement is evident.     in or just finishing up this eight-week course. For
                At any time, if sleep is much restored, the medicine should be halted,  free everyday protocols go to JoetteCalabrese.
            regardless of how long it has been used. For example, if sleep is only par-  com/blog.

                                       RAW MILK PETITION IN CANADA GAINS MOMENTUM
                                                         by Liz Reitzig

                New developments in Canada are indicative of raw milk’s growing appeal to the people of Canada. Canadian citizen,
             Cory Harris, has launched a petition campaign for the Minister of Health. The petition states, in part: https://petitions.
                “We, the undersigned, Citizens of Canada, call upon the Minister of Health to Modernize and amend the Food and
             Drugs Act and the corresponding Food and Drug Regulations, to permit the legal sale of, and/or access to, raw (i.e. unpas-
             teurized) milk and milk products through small-scale certified herd share programs, or other such suitable arrangements,
             capable of managing any associated health risks in a responsible and reasonable manner.”
                This petition is required to be brought before the House of Commons if it reaches five hundred signatures before the
             end date. The petition is over 3,000 signatures with an August 11, 2016 deadline. The Canadian government is required
             to respond within 45 days to each petition that is read in the House of Commons.
                To get greatest notice on this, we would like to be the top petition on the site. This would send the message loud and
             clear that it is past time the Canadian government reevaluates its outdated position on the prohibition of fresh milk. Make
             your stand with us.

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