Page 78 - summer2016
P. 78

Wise Traditions Podcast Interviews

                                              A LIFE UNBURDENED
                                                With Richard Morris

                               Hilda Labrada Gore: Our guest today is  HLG: What was the turning point? What made
                               Richard Morris, author of A Life Unburdened,  you realize that something had to change?
                               a man who unsuccessfully tried diet after
                               diet for weight loss. At one juncture Richard  RM: It happened in 2002 when I was commut-
                               weighed over four hundred pounds. He would  ing to work in New York. I walked to work, as
                               wake up most mornings asking himself, “Is  in New York nearly everybody walks to work
                               today the day I die?” Today you'll hear how he  if it is not too far from home. For me a walk of
                               lost weight by ignoring the experts and using  several blocks began to feel like walking ten
                               the power of real food. I have heard people  miles or climbing Mount Everest. I mean I would
                               use the expression, “I'm a changed man.” But I  be out of breath by the time I got to the office.
                               think you really are a changed man, aren't you?  One day my knee gave out on me as I was step-
                                                                       ping into the elevator and I almost fell down. I
                               RM: In my case this is literally true. Back in  had all kinds of aches and pains. Just standing
                               2002 I weighed over four hundred pounds. And  up for more than a minute was painful for me.
                               I was sick—I was pre-diabetic, I had asthma  That's when I would wake up every morning and
                               and high blood pressure. I was in really bad  ask myself, “Is today the day I die?” I realized I
                               shape. Then I lost most of that excess weight,  needed to do something different and the thing
                               and I have kept it off. I'm running obstacle  that I did different was the food that I was eating.
                               races. I'm signed up for a Spartan race. I'm
                               running five K's and ten K's and really enjoy-  HLG: When I read about your struggles—in-
                               ing life.                               cluding the painful details like your belt buckle
                                                                       digging into your waist, or sweating profusely
                               HLG: Oh my goodness what a drastic change!  after the slightest exertion—my heart went out

         Hilda Labrada Gore,   Four hundred pounds. Excuse me but that  to you.
            a mother of four,   sounds like a couple of people's worth of
           has been involved   weight. Please tell us first about how you got  RM: Actually, there's one thing that I didn't
          with WAPF for over   in the position of being so overweight?  put in my book because it was so painful. I was
          ten years and is the                                         always drenched in sweat by the time I got to
            chapter leader for   RM: This is going to sound a little strange,  work, and one day I got to work and opened my
            Washington, DC.
           She went to Kenya   but I honestly had no idea how large I was.  desk drawer to find that someone had placed a
              last summer on   It's like putting a crab in water on the stove  container of deodorant in there. I was taking
             behalf of WAPF.   and then slowly turning up the heat; the crab  baths and showers and washing and trying to
           She is the director   doesn't notice it because the water heats up  be as hygienic as possible but that four- or five-
          of communications    slowly. I was gaining a pound here and five  block walk to work might as well have been ten
           for Body & Soul, a   pounds there. I would look in the mirror, and  miles. So you can imagine what a painful thing
            worldwide fitness  every day I knew I was overweight but every  it was to find the deodorant.
            organization. She   day I looked sort of normal to myself. It isn't
               also plays the
             guitar and is the   until you see yourself in a photograph or in a  HLG: Richard, you said food made the differ-
         contemporary music    video that you realize you've gained a lot of  ence—I thought food would have been part of
            leader at National   weight. It snuck up on me—I was never fully  the problem.
         Presbyterian Church.  conscious of it.
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