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          The WesTon A. Price FoundATion                  ®                                                                Wise T                                                                                         $12 US
                          for WiseTraditions                                                     Non Profit Org.                                                       Wise
                         in Food, Farming and the healing arts                                    U.S. Postage
                         Education  Research  Activism                                             PAID
             #106-380 4200 Wisconsin avenue, nW                                                  Suburban, MD
                    Washington, dc 20016                                                           Permit 4889             raditions

                                                                                                                                                           in Food, Farming and the healing arts

                                                                                                                                            Volume 16 Number 1                                                             Spring 2015

                 The WesTon A. Price FoundATion                                                          ®                 Spring 2015  A CAMPAIGN FOR REAL MILK             PASTURE-FED LIVESTOCK             LIFE-GIVING WATER           COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE      SOY ALERT!                TRUTH IN LABELING                NON-TOXIC FARMING                PREPARED PARENTING             NURTURING THERAPIES

                               for WiseTraditions

                                           in Food, Farming and the healing arts
                                               Education  Research  Activism

              NUTRIENT DENSE FOODS                   TRADITIONAL FATS                LACTO-FERMENTATION

                BROTH IS BEAUTIFUL              A CAMPAIGN FOR REAL MILK              TRUTH IN LABELING

               PREPARED PARENTING                        SOY ALERT!                    LIFE-GIVING WATER                   Volume 16 Number 1                            Cleansing Myths and Dangers
                                                                                                                                                Toxicity and Chronic Illness                     Gentle Detoxification
                NON-TOXIC FARMING                 PASTURE-FED LIVESTOCK              NURTURING THERAPIES                                                                    Great Nutrition Pioneers

                                           COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE                                                                                      The Fats on MyPlate   Cooking with Blood

                                                                                                                                                                                 A PublicATion oF
                              You teach, you teach, you teach!                                                                                                      The WesTon A. Price FoundATion           ®
                                                                                                                                                                            Education  Research  Activism
                                      Last words of Dr. Weston A. Price, January 23, 1948                                                                          

                                                                                           Printed on Recycled Offset
                                                                         Printed with soy ink - an appropriate use of soy                       TECHNOLOGY AS SERVANT            SCIENCE AS COUNSELOR            KNOWLEDGE AS GUIDE

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